2024 Online Registration

You must pay with a credit card to use the online registration system.
Scroll down and select your course.

Hyperbaric Medicine Team Training (HMTT)
HMTT is a 40-hour introductory course in hyperbaric medicine for physicians, non-physician providers, nurses, and chamber operators. HMTT is a live-streaming course, presented over the Zoom meeting platform.

The Wound Care Course (WC)
WC is a 13-hour introductory course in chronic wound care for physicians, non-physician providers, and nurses. WC is a live-streaming course, presented over the Zoom meeting platform.

Hyperbaric Safety Director Course (HSD)
HSD is a 24-hour advanced course in hyperbaric safety for physicians, non-physician providers, nurses, chamber operators, and safety coordinators. HSD is a live-streaming course, presented over the Zoom meeting platform.

Hyperbaric Facility Maintenance (HFM)
HFM1 (Module 1) is a 14-hour course in facility maintenance for nurses, chamber operators, safety coordinators, and chamber maintenance technicians. HFM1 is a live-streaming course, presented over the Zoom meeting platform.
HFM2 (Module 2) is optional. It is a 9-hour course offering hands-on experience with facility maintenance issues. HFM2 is an in-person course presented in Jacksonville, Florida. Attendance of Module 1 is required to attend Module 2.

Hyperbaric Chamber Acrylics (AC)
AC is a 7-hour course offering hands-on experience with Inspection, Maintenance, and Documentation of Hyperbaric Chamber Acrylic for nurses, chamber operators, safty coordinators, and chamber maintenance technicians. AC is an in-person course presented in Jacksonville, Florida.