Hyperbaric Medicine Practice – 4th Edition

Hyperbaric Medicine Practice – 4th Edition

$ 178.00

This is the 4th Edition of Eric Kindwall’s classic hyperbaric medicine textbook. This book will be an important addition to the library of physicians in clinical hyperbaric medicine and those involved with divers—recreational, commercial, and military—as well as other professionals who care for them.

(Hardcover, 1184 pages)

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This 4th edition, edited by Harry T. Whelan, pays tribute to its original author, Dr. Kindwall, who died in 2012. It also adds new information of interest to all in the field of diving and clinical hyperbaric medicine. Most chapters have been written or revised by new authors, but many have returned to update their chapters.

New chapters include indications for hyperbaric oxygen treatment subjects recently approved for treatment such as idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and central retinal vein occlusion. There are also chapters on submarine rescue and problems that pertain to technical and rebreather diving.


SECTION ONE: Hyperbaric Oxygenation: General Considerations

Chapter 1 Clinical Hyperbaric Facility Accreditation-Process Improvement
in Action by W.T.
Chapter 2 Physiologic Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen by Gerardo Bosco, Enrico M. Camporesi
Chapter 3 Oxygen Toxicity by Heather A. Annis, Aliyah Keval, Harry T. Whelan
Chapter 4 Management of Critically Ill Patients
in the Monoplace Hyperbaric Chamber by Lindell K. Weaver
Chapter 5 Multiplace Hyperbaric Chamber by Giacomo Garetto, Gerardo Bosco
Chapter 6 Hyperbaric Nursing by Valerie Messina
Chapter 7 The Use of Drugs Under Pressure by Ryan Feldman
Chapter 8 Myringotomy by Michael E. McCormick, Joseph E. Kerschner
Chapter 9 Contraindications and Relative Risks 
of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment by Phi-Nga Jeannie Le
Chapter 10 Side Effects and Complications:
 Selected Overview and Brief Guide to Management by Phi-Nga Jeannie Le, John B. Slade Jr, Jason A. Kelly, E. George Wolf
Chapter 11 Pediatric Considerations for Hyperbaric Medicine by Pamela C. Petersen, Michael T. Meyer, Paul A. Thombs HMP4 contributors at ASM 2017 Book Launch
Chapter 12 Carbon Monoxide by Jillian Theobald
Chapter 13 The Role of Oxygen and Hyperbaric Oxygen Mechanisms by Michael B. Strauss, Lientra Q. Lu

 Disorders Approved for Hyperbaric Treatment

Chapter 14 Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss by Tracy Leigh LeGros, Heather Murphy-LavoieScreenshot 2017 05 24 12.51.38
Chapter 15 Gas Embolism by Richard E. Moon
Chapter 16 Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Infectious Diseases:
Basic Mechanisms by Rodney E. Willoughby Jr., Charles C. Falzon, Aliyah Keval, Harry T. Whelan
Chapter 17 Gas Gangrene by Aliyah Keval, Harry T. Whelan
Chapter 18 Selected Aerobic and Anaerobic Soft Tissue Infections by R.A. van Hulst, D.J. Bakker
Chapter 19 Hyperbaric Oxygen in Intracranial Abscess by Lorenz A. Lampl, Guenter Frey, Dietmar Fischer, Enrico Staps
Chapter 20 Hyperbaric Oxygen for the Management of Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis by Michael B. Strauss, Stuart S. Miller, Lientra Q. Lu
Chapter 21 Strategic Approach to Diabetic Foot and Other Wounds by Michael B. Strauss, Anna M. Tan, Lientra Q. Lu
Chapter 22 Evaluation and Management of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer by Enoch Huang, Marvin Heyboer III
Chapter 23 Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 
for Diabetic Foot Ulcers by Enoch Huang, Marvin Heyboer III
Chapter 24 Fracture Healing and Roles of Hyperbaric Oxygen by Michael B. Strauss, Anna M. Tan, Lientra Q. Lu
Chapter 25 The Microcirculation and Ischemia-Reperfusion:
 Basic Mechanisms of Hyperbaric Oxygen by Richard C. Baynosa, William A. Zamboni, John Brosious
Chapter 26 The Roles of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Crush Injury and Other Acute TraumaticIschemias by Michael B. Strauss, Lientra Q. Lu
Chapter 27 Hyperbaric Oxygen Use in Exceptional Blood Loss Anemia by Keith W. Van Meter
Chapter 28 Hyperbaric Oxygen in Skin Grafts and Flaps by Jenna Cusic, Chelsea Venditto, Hani S. Matloub
Chapter 29 Radiation Injury to Tissue by Robert E. Marx
Chapter 30 The Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Treating Delayed Radiation Injuries in Gynecologic Malignancies by Harry T. Whelan, Chris Kilian
Chapter 31 Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 
in the Treatment of Thermal Burns by Paul Cianci, Ronald M. Sato, Julia Faulkner

SECTION THREE: Hyperbaric Oxygen Used in Off-Label Disorders and Investigational Areas

Chapter 32 Off-Label Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy by Michael H. Bennett, Simon J. Mitchell Screenshot 2017 05 24 12.52.02
Chapter 33 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion by Heather Murphy-Lavoie, Tracy Leigh LeGros
Chapter 34 Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment of Avascular Bone Necrosis
of the Femoral Head by Giuliano Vezzani, Gerardo Bosco, Enrico M. Camporesi
Chapter 35 Use of Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen
 in the Management of Invasive Fungal Infections by Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias, Diana M. Barratt
Chapter 36 Treatment of the Brown Recluse Spider Bite
with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy by Matthew Stanton
Chapter 37 Hyperbaric Oxygen in Traumatic Brain Injury by Sarah B. Rockswold, Samuel R. Daly, Gaylan L. Rockswold
Chapter 38 Neurologic Aspects of Hyperbaric Medicine by Ann K. Helms, Charles C. Falzon, Aliyah Keval, Harry T. Whelan
Chapter 39 Hyperbaric Oxygen in the Treatment of Hansen’s Disease by David A. Youngblood, Tomaz A.P. Brito

 Diving, Submarine Rescue, and Life in the Sea

Chapter 40 Emergency Management of Stricken Divers in Remote Areas by Joseph Dituri, Carla Renaldo
Chapter 41 Ketogenic Diet and Ketogenic Supplementation
for Central Nervous System Oxygen Toxicity by Angela M. Poff, Heather A. Annis, Harry T. Whelan, Csilla Ari, Dominic P. D’Agostino
Chapter 42 Submarine Rescue Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine by Joseph Dituri, Harry T. Whelan
Chapter 43 Dive Medicine by Terrance L. Leighton III, Jonathan E. Strain
Chapter 44 Closed-Circuit Rebreathers (CCR) by Derek B. Covington, Charlotte Sadler, Richard L. Sadler
Chapter 45 Maladies Specific to Technical and Rebreather Divers by Carla Renaldo, Joseph Dituri, Brian P. O’Connell
Chapter 46 Ocean Exploration-Living in the Deep Sea by Harry T. Whelan, Terrance L. Leighton III, Heather A. Annis, Joseph Dituri


Additional information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 10.25 × 7.25 × 2.6 in