Physiology and Medicine of HBOT

Physiology and Medicine of HBOT

$ 229.00

Written by internationally recognized leaders in hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) this book provides evidence-based, practical, useful information for anyone involved in HBOT. It outlines the physiologic principles that constitute the basis for understanding the clinical implications for treatment and describes recent advances and current research, along with new approaches to therapy.

(Hard cover, 606 pages)

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Neuman, Thom Written by internationally recognized leaders in hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) this book provides evidence-based, practical, useful information for anyone involved in HBOT. It outlines the physiologic principles that constitute the basis for understanding the clinical implications for treatment and describes recent advances and current research, along with new approaches to therapy.

(Hard cover, 606 pages) Elsevier Books

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 10.5 × 7.5 × 1.5 in