NFPA 53: Recommended Practice on … in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres—2021 Edition

NFPA 53: Recommended Practice on … in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres—2021 Edition

$ 150.00

The 2011 NFPA 53 is your single-source for the latest criteria for the safe use of oxygen (liquid/gaseous) and the design of systems for use in oxygen and oxygen-enriched atmospheres (OEA). Information is provided for the selection of materials, components, and design criteria that can be used safely in oxygen and OEA.

(Softcover, 55 pages)


NFPA 53, Recommended Practice on Materials, Equipment, and Systems Used in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres, was created by industry experts to help ensure users have the vital information they need for the safe use of oxygen (liquid/gaseous) and the design of systems for use in OEAs. Designers, engineers, and facility managers in the health care, industrial, and fire service fields use this recommended practice to make it easier to select materials and components that can be used safely in these types of environments.

Important distinctions were made in the 2021 edition of NFPA 53 to ensure safety in OEAs. In this edition, annex material was provided to explain the differences in OEA thresholds between various standards and organizations. Revisions were made to help ensure SI/US unit conversions are available and accurate throughout the recommend practice.

(Softcover, 68 pages)

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 10.875 × 8.375 × .375 in